Sit-down photography

It’s been a hectic couple of weeks, and I’m very aware that the blog has taken a bit of a back seat. I guess it shows that you really have to make time for something like this, and after moving back into the big smoke and starting a new job, I realise that I’ve been pretty pants at this. This will change. Possibly even tomorrow (but more probably not).So it’s going to be another travel throwback.

I mentioned in the last post that earlier this year, I spent some time making my way around the south Pacific by sail. On the whole, it’s a bit difficult to go exploring for new, exciting subjects when you’re surrounded by ocean, and convinced that even one molecule of water will cause your still relatively new camera to explode and jeopardise the safety of everyone on board. So I played with the idea of just having a bit of a sit down, and seeing what I could do with the things that were immediately visible from my position. I feel that breaking up your surroundings into a series of shapes, colours and textures is probably quite a useful skill, especially in still-life photography, and I felt that this was an excellent way of trying to get into this mindset.

As always, please comment. This is a learning process after all.


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